An Unified Intelligence-Communication Model for Multi-Agent System: Overview and Case Studies -- Abstract and Outline of the Paper
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My handwriting manuscript is prepared, and I am currently crafting it into a rigorous research treatize.
Motivated by Shannon’s model and recent rehabiliation of self-supervised artificial intelligence having a “World Model”, this paper propose an unified intelligence-communication (UIC) model for describing a single agent and any multi-agent system. The model try to incorporates the following contributions.
- The environment is modelled as the generic communication channel between agents.
- The model leads to important insights on that “Any intelligent structure is an aggregation of multiple agents”, where the simplest or basic unit of a agent is represented by “IF-THEN” rule, as proposed by Holland and Marvin Minsky.
- The model unifies several well-adopted agent architecture, e.g. Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) model, world-model based agent model and rule-based agent model, and provides information theory societies a common model for practicing quantitative analytical methods.
- The model provides an unified approach to investigate a multi-agent system (MAS) having multiple action-perception modalities, e.g. explicitly information transfer and implicit information transfer.
Then, the paper provide case studies, exemplifying the adoption of the UIC model,
- Analysis of natural MAS, e.g. a bee-colony
- Design of artificial MAS, e.g. co-design of communication-perception-action in multi-robot system
Finally, the paper provides further insights motivated by the UIC model, such as:
- Unification of single intelligence and collective intelligence
- An possible explanation of intelligence emergence
- A dual model for agent-environment intelligence hypothesis
Outline of the Paper
The paper would be released by Chapters, and may be updated because of continuous introspection of the author and feedback from readers.
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Please note the following contents may change during the release of the paper.
- Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction of the UIC Model - From Shannon’s Perspective
- Chapter 2: Modelling the Information Source and Destination in the Agent
- Chapter 3: Unifying models for an Agent and a Multi-Agent System (MAS)
- Chapter 4: UIC Model for Quantifying Intelligence Level of MAS
- Chaptre 5: Case Study of UIC Model in Analyzing Natural MAS
- Chapter 6: Case Study of UIC Model in Designing Artificial MAS
- Chapter 7: Hypothesis of UIC Model for Explaining Intelligence Emergence Mechanism
- Chapter 8: Hypothesis of UIC Model for Explaining Intelligence of the Environment
- Chapter 9: Conclusions and Future Research